
Following up on a Job Application

About the author : webmaster

Following up after a job interview is an uncommon but integral part of the job application and Hiring Process. There are plenty of reasons why you should follow up afterwards and in the course of this blogpost, we will give you a detailed explanation for it.

Show Gratitude2020-10-22T08:28:31+00:00

They say first impression is the last impression but we beg to differ. Making an impression is a series of consistent efforts. Just because your resume and interview were on point doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t further that hard work. A thank you note after the interview will reinforce your interest in the job and is a wonderful way of adding info that you may have forgotten to discuss in the interview. Make sure that the letter is to the point, conversational and precise. It will remind recruiters of what a good candidate you are.

Understanding of the Application Process2020-10-22T08:29:38+00:00

If you don’t know how long it will be until a recruiter gets back to you, a follow up letter can help you make that inquiry. Make sure you don’t sound desperate but come off as a professional who is only being diligent.

Building a Relationship2020-10-22T08:30:51+00:00

Follow up communication can help you build a relationship and leave a good impression. If, for example, you don’t get the job; the recruiter is likely to remember you because of this communication. If another opportunity arises and there are more openings in the future, they would rather get in touch with you than start the screening process from scratch again.

When following up, many candidates think that calling the hiring manager is a quick and convenient way to reach out. We recommend you write to them first and wait for a response. Hiring Managers have a lot on their plate and giving them time to respond is important. If they don’t get back then you may consider giving them a short, sweet call. Again, you should have a script written ahead of time so that you’re not left rambling during the phone call. Keep it positive, short and don’t sound whiny.

It may take 1 to 2 weeks for a recruiter to respond back. If you are one of the first candidates they interviewed, chances are that they would interview a few more before they can make a decision and communicate something of substance to you. If you are unable to get in touch with the hiring manager after 2 to 3 follow-up attempts, it is best to move on. Don’t waste time and think of the next job opportunity that you should be preparing for. Good Luck!

About the author : webmaster

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